Storage is a regular part of our life. We keep our valuables and important things in safe places. But scale if storage is limited. Larger items may require space that your home doesn’t have. What do you do then? Letting your expensive gifts, like your grandfather’s car, rust in your garage or driveway just because it’s big and won’t fit in your home closet? Not! Rent an apartment with Storage Secure, put your valuables in your rental apartment and relax. Now everything is fixed. Secure Storage offers the best multiscale storage available. For pretty much anything you want to store, you’ll find the best and safest storage containers here.

Storage Secure has seven different sizes of storage units, from document storage to automatic storage. A self-service warehouse is open for customers here. All containers and units are located or built at ground level. Almost all rooms have external entrances and exits for convenience. You can simply drive up to your compartment and leave your belongings. Warehouses have false concrete floors. Each block is also significantly taller than conventional homes, with a minimum ceiling height of 9 feet. They also took care of the passage of air to avoid a slight increase in dew or humidity. The buildings have a huge passive airflow system to circulate fresh air throughout the structure. In addition, all structures are constructed in red with the highest quality materials and made of steel and concrete to ensure maximum capacity of the units and / or containers.

Rental Storage Space

High quality CCTV cameras are built into structures throughout the campus, providing first-class security for your personal belongings. In addition, these facilities are guarded by private security companies and trained guard dogs to thwart any theft scheme. Objects are fenced with barbed wire or chain links. The doors are not manual, but electric. Although the facilities are open every day of the year, customer access times are usually fixed. Each customer is provided with the security code required to open the doors. In addition, customers can use their own locks to secure storage areas.

The automatic storage is built using the latest technology such as climate controllers, state of the art fire extinguishers and more. These compartments are suitable for storing old cars and the latest models. Cars are preserved and protected using the most advanced technologies to preserve their integrity. The sites already equipped with car lifts and other similar services can be customized according to your needs. Experienced storage rental sg managers guide and invite clients to provide the best solution for their needs. So, no matter what you want to store, make sure that this is where what you store, not only in the best possible condition, but also in maximum safety.