my newborn guide

It can be challenging to travel with a toddler, but planning and preparing what to pack for them doesn’t have to be. Your toddler’s needs must be prioritized; otherwise, leaving a ‘must’ can be a nuisance. We created a checklist, and you can use this to ensure you arrive at your destination with everything you need. Never leave home without any of the following for your toddler.

What you should pack inside your carry on or diaper bag

Use a carry on bag if you’re flying or a diaper bag if you’re driving. Keep these bags near you for easy access for all your toddler’s needs.

Pack diapers or pull-ups that’s good for a whole day. As parents, you will know exactly how many diapers/pull-ups your toddlers use in a day. Pack the rest of it in your luggage. Of course, there could always be a mess. So purchase and pack a small container of wipes. Pack more wipes in your luggage. Don’t also forget to bring hand sanitizers, which you can use after using the restroom or changing dirty diapers.

Pack extra clothes. You know little ones can cause a little accident and spill something on their clothes or your clothes. Be prepared for that! Pack a complete outfit, including a shirt and pants in a ziplock bag. This will not only zeal up your stinky clothes but also prevent the spread of the smell in your car for the rest of your ride.

my newborn guide

Pack some snacks, non-drippy cups, and bibs. It is never fun to travel with an irritable, thirsty, and hungry toddler. So, you also need to pack these inside your diaper bag or carry on bag. Prepare and pack some snacks in ziplock bags, two non-drip sippy cups, and two bibs. Of course, don’t forget to pack extra in your luggage.

Bring something that will entertain your kids. Bring a tablet or a portable player with your toddler’s favorite movies or shows. Be also prepared with a dead battery. Don’t forget to bring USB cables to plug into your car. Bring familiar toys, teddy bears, or a book to help them feel secure.

Pack medicines or a first-aid kit. Little accidents and circumstances happen, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. You will never know when your little one will spike a fever. Packing a pain reliever, fever medicine, and gas drops can be necessary.

Never forget packing your child’s necessary needs in your luggage, such as soap, shampoo, a dental kit, lotion, ointment, sunscreen, nail clippers, and cotton swabs in a gallon-sized zip-lock bag.

Extra Things You Will Need to Bring

You would need to bring a car seat, and if you are flying, make sure your seat is FAA approved. Make sure your seat is compact, lightweight, and easy to install.

Also, a sturdy, collapsible stroller is necessary. Though lightweight and portable strollers are good, they may be challenging and unable to endure the wear and tear of an active vacation. But everything would depend on your comfortability. Do consider the pros and cons when deciding which one to pack. Click here to see more options.

For security purposes, do take a good picture of your toddler before going on a trip. For any reason that your toddler becomes separated from you, taking a recent picture with you is something you’ll be grateful for. It is going to be the first thing the airport authorities, police, or security personnel will need to when finding your child.