hdb 4 room resale renovation

The bedroom is one of the most important part of the house since most of the people take it as their sanctuary where they can relax peacefully and have a good night sleep some people even regard a bedroom as a place to restore their energy after a long day, this means when choosing bedroom hdb 4 room resale renovation you should make sure to choose the decors which are peaceful, serene and soothing same goes when selecting the perfect wallpaper for the bedroom. Wallpaper can take many different forms and always manage to bring endless texture and depth to your room. Here is some wallpaper that can make the perfect wallpaper for bedroom.

hdb 4 room resale renovation

Barely there

As the name suggests barely there wallpapers don’t always have to be bold, artistic or every eye catching it can still bring out an impact when it’s subtle and a little unexpected, you should look for a wallpaper that has very slight patterns but add a surprising texture up close, this wallpaper usually used all over the room, the choice of color matters cool and cheerful colors are encouraged.


The color beige is usually not the taste of many people as people suggest it to be a boring color but if you manage to get Light beige wallpaper it can change your mind especially if your room is big and with enough windows, the beige wallpaper gives an airy and comfy atmosphere which is most favorable for a bedroom.


 Vintage wallpaper can give a modern space with a traditional feel and this relays more on the patterns that you are going to choose, make sure the colors of the wallpaper are muted and the patterns should be very detailed.


 Mural wallpaper is perfect for a person who is artistic since the whole wallpaper has an aesthetic drawing which goes with artistic décor of the bedroom, it’s not suggested to people who are not very artistic since you will get a hard time decorating your room and end up hating your bedroom.

Top half

This is more useful if your bedroom has wainscoting or paneling where the left half space is usually left bare which can be a bore, top half wallpaper is the perfect wallpaper for the bedroom where you can choose wallpaper which add texture to your space and also can add other accessories.