Content Strategy

Today, high-quality content is the basis for any good website. Good texts not only have a positive effect on the ranking in the search results, they also convince the reader of the quality of a website. However, creating the text is also time-consuming and expensive. Having your own editorial team costs a lot of money, and the marketing or SEO department usually does not have the time or resources for adequate content strategy. Website operators who lack the resources or skills to write texts themselves are well advised to have texts written for you.

What does a good text look like?

A beautiful text is not just a matter of taste. Regardless of individual preferences, it should have some formal, stylistic and content-related features that are not considered irrefutable, but still follow established rules.

Content Strategy

A good text is geared towards the target group, is written understandably, is correct in spelling and grammar, is unique, should be multimedia, search engine optimized and interactive for the web .

It is the goal of a good text not primarily to sell, but also to be an advisor, to entertain the reader and arouse his interest, address the reader and satisfy his needs, to be up-to-date and relevant to the target group, to show the author’s competence, strengthen customer loyalty.

Good texts also follow a few guidelines in terms of spelling, style and content:

  • They are well structured and follow a common thread.
  • The benchmark is always understandability.
  • Use short main clauses, few subordinate clauses, no box clauses – but pay attention to the rhythm.
  • A sentence contains a statement.
  • Main things belong in main clauses, minor things in subordinate clauses.
  • Unnecessary words are missing.
  • The author uses precisely fitting words.
  • Use few foreign words, abbreviations and no “official German”.
  • They are preferably written in active language.
  • If possible, they do not contain a nominal style, but rather strong, strong verbs.
  • They tell concrete, not abstract.
  • The author never loses sight of the target audience.
  • The previous sentence arouses curiosity about the next.
  • No phrases: omit empty phrases, trivialities and truisms.

Before website operators commission texts, they should consider exactly what type of texts and content they want. From this it can be deduced from whom you have your texts written and how exactly you convey your goals and wishes. Because the right author and a good briefing are the most important foundations of a web text.